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Industrial Optimal Design using Adjoint CFD

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December 2019

13 Dec 19Mladen in the mids of his proud familySuccessful PhD defense for Mladen Banovic
Mladen succesfully defended his thesis on "Efficient algorithmic differentiation of CAD frameworks" at Paderborn University. Congratulations to Dr. Banovic!

November 2019

12 Nov 19Orest and Jens with samples of optimised bladesOrest Mykhaskiv defends thesis
Orest Mykhaskiv has successfully defended his PhD on gradient-based shape optimisation. His thesis significantly advanced the field by including the geometric CAD model description inside the design loop. This breakthrough allows to integrate effective gradient-based optimisation seamlessly into industrial design workflows. [more]

July 2019

8 Jul 19Ismael Sànchez Torreguitart completes PhD
Congratulations to Ismael, he has completed his PhD on Efficient CAD based adjoint optimization of turbomachinery using an adaptive shape parameterization at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. The thesis is available here: [more]

May 2019

29 May 19Thesis front pageKumar thesis corrections complete
Kumar's thesis corrections have been accepted, congratulations!

March 2019

11 Mar 19Kumar and his supervisor, Jens.Pavanaukmar Mohanamuraly successfully defended his thesis
Pavanakumar Mohanamuraly successfully defended his thesis on "Fast Adjoint-assisted Multilevel Multifidelity Method for Uncertainty Quantification of the Aleatoric Kind" His work uses Monte-Carlo methods to compute the effect of uncertainties due to manufacturing. Current methods work well for up to handful of uncertain parameters, but their computation cost increases dramatically ... [more]

February 2019

28 Feb 19Have your cake and eat it!Susan's last day with IODA
Today is Susan's last day working for IODA. All members of IODA are very much indebted to her tireless and and effective work. She was an integral part in IODA with her enthusiasm for the project, her curiosity about our achievements in research, but also her prod to explain all ... [more]
24 Feb 19Mladen Banovic at the Marie Curie Alumni Association General Assembly in Vienna presenting an example of aerodynamic bladesIODA Aerodynamics at Marie Curie Alumni Conference in Vienna
Mladen Banovic represented the IODA project at the General Assembly and Annual Conference of the Marie Curie Alumni Association in Vienna. Mladen presented his research "Aerodynamic shape optimization of TU Berlin Stator with differentiated design chain". As this EU funded Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network reaches its conclusion Mladen ... [more]

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