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IODA Aerodynamics at Marie Curie Alumni Conference in Vienna

Mladen Banovic at the Marie Curie Alumni Association General Assembly in Vienna presenting an example of aerodynamic blades
Mladen Banovic at the Marie Curie Alumni Association General Assembly in Vienna presenting an example of aerodynamic blades
Mladen Banovic represented the IODA project at the General Assembly and Annual Conference of the Marie Curie Alumni Association in Vienna. Mladen presented his research "Aerodynamic shape optimization of TU Berlin Stator with differentiated design chain". As this EU funded Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network reaches its conclusion Mladen said "Our project was one of the best things that happened in my life. I'm sad that it finished but look forward to new adventures".

News date: 24 February 2019

Updated by: Susan Barker

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