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Industrial Optimal Design using Adjoint CFD

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December 2020

10 Dec 20A remote SalvatoreSalvatore Auriemma defends his PhD
Salvatore Auriemma has passed his PhD viva on "Development of parametric CAD models for gradient-based aerodynamic shape optimisation" with minor corrections. Gradient-based methods are the most efficient approach for soptimisation with very many design variables and has become a standard in aerodynamic shape optimisation of e.g. aircraft wings and ... [more]

May 2020

27 May 20IliasIlias Vasilopoulos successfully defends his PhD thesis
Ilias has successfully defended his PhD thesis on "CAD-based and CAD-free Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Turbomachinery Blade Rows using the Adjoint Method" awarded by the National Technical University of Athens. Owing to Covid, the examination was conducted remotely, so we did not get the pleasure of seeing Ilias in suit ... [more]
22 May 20Rejish in his viva hideoutRejish Jesudasan successfully defends his thesis
Rejish successfully defended his thesis on "An Adaptive Parametrisation Method for Shape Optimisation Using Adjoint Sensitivities". Owing to SARS-CoV-2, the viva was conducted over video conferencing, but even with noise of his ceiling fan (essential in his Indian home at this time), the finer details of his algorithm developments came ... [more]

January 2020

28 Jan 20Dheeraj' proudest momentProud achievement or Dheeraj Agarwal
The most proud achievement of Dheeraj so far, I'm sure his female supervisor was closely watching whether he is applying best practice to this long-term project. Congratulations to Dheeraj and his wife from all at IODA. [more]

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