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Industrial Optimal Design using Adjoint CFD

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Research Fellows

Mladen Banovic

Early Stage Researcher 12 at Universität Paderborn

My outreach activity was supported by the IT community Osijek Software City (OSC) from Croatia. It took the form of one-hour presentation as part of the volunteering-based educational program CodeCamp. This community and its program gathers students, researchers, software developers, employees of the IT industry etc. in order to discuss and organize lectures, workshops and any other events related to the area of software development in general. The main purpose was to bring people closer to the field of IT, empower educational and working standards, and increase the employment rate. Among other workshops, my lecture was a part of C++ workshop with the title: Automatic calculation of derivatives in C++ source codes and their application in an aerodynamic shape optimization of CAD-based models. Since many other workshops are focused on mobile or web applications development, which are the primary interests, my outreach activity fitted perfectly because the audience was not familiar with the specific topics we are researching in this project. The event was held on 11.01.2017 in Osijek, Croatia, the city where I finished my studies and worked until enrolling in the IODA project. The number of participants was around 25. The lecture was organized as follows:

  • Introduction and motivation to derivatives.
  • Derivative calculation of simple mathematical functions.
  • Example of calculating derivatives in C++ by hand.
  • Introduction to Automatic (Algorithmic) Differentiation and ADOL-C software tool. Explained how it can be used to help us in calculating derivatives automatically. Applied it to the previous examples.
  • Short introduction to Bezier curves  and a CAD system.
  • Explained why one would benefit of applying AD to the CAD system and how it can be done.
  • Showed real-world examples of using AD in CAD-based shape optimization. These examples were referred to the U-bend and TU Berlin Stator test-cases.

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