WP1: Industrial cases, specification, requirements, benchmarks
WP1, together with WP 6 "embraces" the other WPs2-6 of this project:
at the beginning of the project, the testcases provided within WP1 define the requirements (functionality, interfaces) for the methods to be developed in WPs2-5,
in the course of the project, increasingly complex testcases are used to validate and benchmark the developments,
towards the end of the project, the most complex, real-life industrial testcases are used to demonstrate the functioning of the workflows assembled in WP6 by coupling the modules from WPs2-5.
To that end, three different types of testcases will be provided: small testcases of academic nature, but reflecting basic industrial requirements; medium-size testcases consisting of simplified industrial geometries, and large testcases representing actual use cases out of the serial development of turbomachinery and cars, respectively.
Provide small, medium-size and large testcases
Benchmarking, evaluation
Define functionality and interfaces (API) for the modules developed in WPs 2-6, integrated in ParaView and OCCT.
Personnel and Project Deliverables
Volkswagen AG - Michael Hartmann
Marios Damigos (ESR5) "Report on industrial test cases"
Christos Kapellos (ESR15) "Initial test cases" and "Final version of optimisation loop"
Ilias Vasilopoulos (ESR11) "Final version of IODA-API standard"