Topics included:
- Software engineering for computational science;
- Modern Fortran standards and how to write optimized and efficient Fortran;
- NetCDF and HDF5 scientific file formats for data sharing in Fortran;
- GNU Automake to automate the build process;
- pFUnit unit testing framework for testing Fortran codes;
- Doxygen for Fortran code documentation;
- Git version control for collaborative code development;
- In-memory visualisation using PLplot in Fortran;
- IEEE Floating Point Exception Handling
- Software verification and portability using the NAG Fortran Compiler
- Fortran interoperability with C, Python and R;
- Introduction to parallelism for Fortran.
Below is some supplementary documentation for the workshop.
- Code peer reviewing best practice
- Doxygen code documentation manual
- Expressing object oriented Fortran using Fortran 90
- Fortran compiler guide
- Fortran compiler comparison
- NAG Fortran Compiler, Release 6.1
- HDF5 file format reference manual
- MPI 3.0 reference
- NetCDF guide
- OpenACC guide
- OpenMP quick reference card
- pFUnit manual
- CUDA Fortran guide
- PLplot manual